Another really enjoyable issue! Your painted animation on this sequence of Chamoe is gorgeous, and very impressive. This level of painted detail isn't something you often see in animation. (And the baby's little eye-pop is a wonderful moment.)

Also, your next film! Even just the piece of art you've shared is exciting. There's something about the style and tone of it that almost brings to mind Kunio Kato's early work, like The Diary of Tortov Roddle. Looking forward to seeing where it goes, regardless of how it develops from here.

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Thank you!!! And you noticed the baby's eye-pop! I was giggling to myself adding that detail, I'm glad someone else likes it too. Yeah, it's exciting thinking about the next thing, so shiny...who knows what the style I'll use there will evolve to, but I'm going to have fun exploring. Thanks again for the kind words.

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